Only in the United States is the game commonly referred to as soccer. Outside the United States, the sport is commonly called football, or futbol in Spanish-speaking countries, where the game is particularly popular. The "Encyclopedia of World Sport" says that more men and women play and watch soccer worldwide than any other sport. 411-Soccer has links to hundreds of soccer sites in many different categories.
Soccer Resources: World Cup Info |
World Cup Soccer Its estimated that an accumulated audience of over 37 billion people watched World France 98, including approximately 1.3 billion for the Final alone; go here for more on the most watched event in sporting history.
English Football While the earliest records of man kicking something resembling a ball dates back to the Chinese Han Dynasty (over 2000 years ago), England is widely regarded as the birthplace of modern football. |
Liverpool Football Club Formed in 1878, Liverpool Football Club is one of the world's oldest and most respected football clubs. Here you'll find out more about Liverpool; past, present and future. |
Italian Soccer The Italian Serie A, Serie B and Serie C leagues are amongst the more popular leagues on the European football landscape. Get the latest news, photos and more here. |
Soccer Equipment Find discount soccer equipment plus other online soccer equipment resources - retailers, wholesalers, discount links, reviews, rankings, comparisons and more. |
Soccer Camps Want to find out about a soccer camp in your area? Thinking about sending your kid to a youth soccer camp? We've got all that information and more available right here. |
Soccer Balls Find retailers, wholesalers, distributors, exporters and manufacturers of soccer balls. Here you can even find links to those special 'Fifa-Approved' footballs. |
Soccer Pictures From World Cup soccer photos to Italian League pictures to Premier League photos, log on here for links to dozens of online soccer photo galleries and archives. |
Soccer Drills Aggressiveness exercises, attacking, ball control & trapping, defensive exercises, dribbling & shielding, shooting & finishing ... and more. |
Soccer Rules Soccer rules online information resource - get the latest edition of the various laws of the game. From hand signals to actual laws, find it here. |
Soccer Shoes Links to indoor soccer shoes, as well as soccer boots by companies including Adidas, Nike, Puma, Diadora, Kelme, Concord, Joma, Asics, Kappa, Umbro and Patricks. |
Futbol From Central & South America to Europe, football (fútbol to the Spanish-speakers) is more than just a game. For most, it's a very serious way of life. |
Bundesliga The Bundesliga is Germany's premier soccer league, and undoubtedly one of Europe's most respected and watched league competitions. 411-Soccer covers this league in great detail. |
Brazil Soccer Brazil has produced the world's greatest soccer player ever, Pelé, as well as current geniuses including Rivaldo and Ronaldo; surf to the best that Brazilian football has to offer right here. |